Like live canaries in a mine, a high concentration of vans in an area suggests good things. Adventure, free spirits and exploration. Parked on side streets, some of these vans lay waiting for a long weekend or a the occasional road trip. For others, these streets provide a safe harbor away from the watchful eye of the area's finest. They all dream of the open road.
Portland Oregon has a lot of vans. Over the last few weeks, I have been stopping and snapping shots of vans that catch my eye. Here are some of my favorites.
Red stripe.
Syncro love.
Tiger style.
Business in the front, party in the back. Mullet.
Syncro love.
There is a lot of green going on here. Both outside and inside I'd wager.
Fall Colors.
Two tone.
Mobile command station. VanRAD
To celebrate vans like these and the notion that, "Home is where you park it," I have started a new tumblr called #vanlife. #Vanlife will be composed of my van shots and submissions, so if you have a van or see a one or another ship of the open road, take a picture and submit it here.
Here are some more links,