Alphabetical Order

The Syncro's Kenwood stereo defaults to playing music in alphabetical order.  Plugging in my iPhone through the USB port, Marshal Tucker Band's AB's Song starts.  Like in the song, I just so happen to be 23 too.  After 1:15, and it's on to one of the many versions that Warren Zevon recorded of Accidentally Like a Martyr. Best of, Remastered, Unplugged, and Live BBC.  Growing tired of that, I tap away on the forward button with the fury of a tween video gamer.  Another Brick in the Wall. I push As many times as I can.

"Was that odd or even?" I ask myself, down-shifting on the hill.

Growing uneasy with that song, I repeat the cycle.

Here are some more links,

Accidentally like a Martyer (Youtube),

AB's Song (Youtube).