Taking Photos of Lobster Buoys

On Sunday the 16th, I spent hours chasing around buoys in Casco Bay near East Harpswell, Maine in a small inflatable boat. I was at the bow looking through the view finder of my Canon and Emma was at the stern steering.
Looking through the photos of an earlier boat ride inspired me to make a compilation of twenty-five or more images of different lobster buoys. I wanted to show the different designs and colors by limiting the variables and focusing on one buoy at a time.

Emma could barely hear my mumbles to turn tighter or move closer over the churn of the 4-horsepower Evinrude engine.

A view of Pinkham Point where I lived for two weeks this summer in the blue tent. Every morning I woke up to the sound of lobster boats going out to claim their stake of Maine's troubled cash crop. Lobster buoys speckled the bay like cows in a field.