Books and Such

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been preparing for my next project, working on getting this book finished and shipping and just returned from a month long sailing trip to Mexico.  In a blink of an eyes, and August was December.  Anyways,  here's the first run of The Cinder Cone Book. 

"We'll do it live, FUCK IT," is a reference to one of my favorite youtube clips of dickhead talk show host,  Bill O'Reilly.  If you have watched, it its well worth it.  Through out the build,  we joking referred to this video when unsure of what we were doing. 

Tucker sketching ideas and scheming for the build.  At this point,  the project was 5 months away from starting.  My aim for the book was to document a process with hope of giving people that read the book ideas and inspiration to take on a project of their own. 

The book follows the arc of the project from musings and ideas to more focused drawings, lists and photos of specific parts of the project.    As a kid,  I ordered plans from Popular Mechanic Magazines and studied sketches in the American Boys Handy Book.  I always felt that theses books and plans fell short of removing some of the intimidation of the building process.   

Friends like Ian Durkin, Java Fernandez and Alex Yoder stopped by and contributed photos of the process and the time spent hanging out on top of the hill. 

Parts list for the wood burning hot tub we built.   It's one of my favorite things I've ever used and I highly recommend building one,  you won't regret it. 

I'm really pleased with how the book turned out and flattered with how it's being received.  The Kickstarter books shipped out in early November and since then we've (my mom handles the shipping) been sending out wholesale orders and direct sales from my webstore.   Roughly 1/3 of the first editions are left, order a copy here before they are gone.  For reference, Here's the The Cinder Cone next to Home Is Where You Park It (PS the 3rd Edition of Home Is Where You Park It is back in stock and I'm doing a combo deal on both books for 80$ + shipping).  Thanks so much supporting the book and making things like this possible!

Here are some more links,

The Cinder Cone Book,

The Cinder Cone Video,

The Cinder Cone and Home Is Where You Park It Combo.