Vanlife Updated
Cooped up in my apartment in New York, just over two years ago, I started obsessing over buying one of my own and living out of it. Since then, I've left New York and moved into a van. This transition has fueled my interest in and appreciation for such vehicles. Shortly after moving into my van, I started tagging vans and other campers with #vanlife tag on instagram and then put together the submission-based Tumblr to go a long with it. Recently, I worked with my friend Maddie Joyce on coming up with a new design for the site. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Here are some of my favorite shots I've taken doing the last two years and shared through the site.
A Nissan pick up in Central Baja, Mexico, Winter 2013.
A Westfalia parked along the PCH north of Ventura, Winter 2013.
My Syncro parked in the Los Padres National Forest, Summer 2012.
A Toyota parked on the beach in Southern Baja, Winter 2012.
A surplus Russian Transport parked on the Beach in Kamchatka Russia, Summer 2012.
The idea isn't a fetishizing of the vehicles themselves, but a celebration of the idea of traveling by cheep in a vehicle. The site has received thousands of submissions since launching and its been great to see all the inspiring photos come in. Head over to and share your photos of ships of the open road.
Here are some more links,