Travelers of Baja
A laundry list of potential obstacles including but not limited to banditos, food poisoning, crooked cops, car problems and drug cartels applies to the US/Mexico border. Horror stories echo around the internet and campfire conversations. This cycle of truth and exaggeration keeps going until many travelers scratch Baja off their list of places to visit. Some accept these risks in search of empty waves, cheap travel and a desire to see what the West was like before it was developed. These are some of the vehicles of the travelers I came across in Baja:
Rhinolined from head to toe.
My Syncro.
Travels with Charlie.
Schooly and VW. These guys are in it for the long haul.
Note the ninja turtle.
His and her campers and surfboards.
Some travelers come for a weekend while others stay for months or years. Their vehicles range in size and price but all enable people to explore a place that many avoid.
Here are some more links,